Our Story and Mission

Helping those to walk through the streets of Northwest Arkansas while encouraging them in their walk with the Lord!


What we’re running for: to spread ☻’s, to give shoes, & to share the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ.

Dear friends,

I’m seriously so glad you’re here! My dream for this nonprofit started in July of 2020 when I was away at Kanakuk for summer camp. Each year, the camp’s director and president, Joe White, gives an "I'm Third" talk where he teaches campers about living I'm Third: putting God first, others second, and yourself third. Though I was familiar with the concept, something about this particular year really tugged at my heart. Joe White told the camp that he had a few envelopes with $20 for whoever wanted to start their “I’m Third story”. I was so encouraged and felt like the Holy Spirit was speaking to me. In the moment, I knew this was God calling me to start my own story. I took the envelope without knowing what the Lord wanted me to do with it, and I continued to pray about it throughout the year. One day, I was standing in front of my bathroom mirror praying that God would show me his plan. I walked into my closet with no purpose at all, and my eyes instantly landed on an old pair of Nike sneakers that were sitting on my shelf. It’s hard to explain, but when I saw those shoes I got the same feeling that I got during the I’m Third talk. All of the details of what I was supposed to do came right to me, and I had this indescribable peace and excitement that could only be Jesus. I felt like the Lord was whispering to me to start a non-profit that takes gently used or new shoes and donates them to people that need them in our community. There are many organizations today that donate shoes to those in need across the globe, but there isn’t anything like this benefiting Northwest Arkansas. Growing up, I’ve seen many kids that can’t afford school lunch, let alone a new pair of shoes for their growing feet. I’ve seen in today’s world that so many people see shoes as more of a fashion statement than a necessity. I’ve seen, in my own life, that shoes are often something I take for granted. And I pray that by giving something as simple as a pair of shoes, I can help show the love of Jesus Christ to those around me. And now…you can too! I’m so blessed to have you on this journey as we touch the lives of others and bring glory to God!

In Christ,

Lauren Hamilton

President and Founder of Shoes and Good News 501(c)(3) Nonprofit

Lauren and the sneakers that started it all.

Ways to Give

Learn more about what God did in 2022.